As educators, we’ve always believed in the fact that professional development is not just about improving one’s own skills and knowledge, but also about contributing to the growth and development of one’s organization and community. In line with this belief, we have decided to run a training inset with the hope of strengthening our ELT community.

That’s why we’re thrilled to share some exciting news with you! We recently received the Eaquals Member Event Fund for a project focused on the Academic Management Competency Framework (AMCF) at the tertiary level. As part of this project, we will organize an inset focusing on the Professional Development category in AMCF and it will be designed to target managers with a specific focus on ‘professional development. It will be a chance for us to learn from each other and contribute to the growth and development of our educational community. During the event, the participants will have the opportunity to examine the sub-categories of the Professional Development category in AMCF, reflect on their current practices, and evaluate how applicable these practices would be in their own contexts.

We’re grateful to EAQUALs for funding our project and enabling us to offer this opportunity to others who are looking into increasing their capacity to support and facilitate the development of people and processes within their schools. We’re excited to be part of this project and to continue on this learning journey with our colleagues.

Selen Şirin Dülger

Serkan Aras

Sultan Zeydan