Dear All,

Please find the news and updates for this week below:

1. Common Time Professional Development Sessions

a. Last Week’s Session

Last week, ScOLa Faculty Reading Club met for the fourth time in this academic year. In the first meeting of spring semester, the group members read about and discussed how affect and cognition interact with teaching and learning processes. The group also had the chance to briefly review cognitive bias codex and the discussion revolved around the place of cognitive schemes and emotions in classroom environments and possible teacher actions within this frame.

b. This Week’s Session

This week, the first session of ScOLa TLDU INSET- Vocabulary Teaching in ScOLa Context, which has been designed for Prep Program instructors, will be held. The training aims to focus on a broad range of key areas in vocabulary teaching and address emerging needs of our program.

By exploring wide range of areas, the training aims to help participants gain a deeper understanding of how our approach to lexis and vocabulary teaching has evolved in time and what to consider while teaching vocabulary in ScOLa Prep School context.

The topics have been divided into 3 sessions building upon each other. Therefore, to benefit from these sessions at a maximum level, we invite our colleagues to attend all three sessions. For further information regarding the content and timing of the sessions, please have a look at the following poster:

2. Student Clubs Update

As announced before, the club “Discover Far East” was opened for B1 students at first. However, since there weren’t enough students who applied for this club, considering the objectives covered in the club, we have decided to open it to B2 students, as well. Also, Betül, the instructor who is running this club, has prepared a nice introductory video that can attract students’ attention. If you are teaching B1 or B2, please introduce this club (again for B1) to your students using the video and the new club poster with the updated info, both of which you can see below. In this way, we are hoping that more of our students will apply to this club and benefit from the extra-curricular activities we offer in order to improve their language skills.

P.S: There is a slip in the video where it is said the club is everyday whereas it should have been “every Wednesday”, but the written information in the video and on the poster is accurate, so please clarify that slip with your students, too, after they watch the video.

The introductory video