Dear all,

You can find the news and updates related to this week below:

1. Teacher Strand:

i. Upcoming Conferences

We would like to kindly remind you of a valuable resource that is available on our blog – the “Upcoming Conferences” tab. As you will find in this section, it is regularly updated with the information pertaining to conferences that are coming up. It is our hope that you will take advantage of this page to become more familiar with these events and become more involved in them.

2. Student Strand:

i. Halloween Door Decoration Competition 

Contest Details & Rules

  1. Classes must have door decorations completed by Friday, October 27.
  2.  In case of shared classrooms where both classes join the contest, one class can decorate the one side of the door and the other class can decorate the other side indicating the class codes clearly on the door.
  3. The winner door will be chosen according to the following criteria: Scariest, Most Original, and Best Halloween Spirit.
  4. A committee will choose the scariest door on the 30th October. Remember, there will be a prize for the winner(s).
  5. The winner will be shared on ScOLa Extra-Curricular LMS page on October, 31.

This is not compulsory for all the classes and for all the students, if you’d like to have fun with your students and enjoy the Halloween spirit, please join us.

Also, please feel free to use the activities in the attachment and also you can use the following links below to do some activities in your class.

Here are the photos from the winners of the last year.

We wish you all join us and we have more attractive corridors.

ii. Student Development Sessions

This week, we recommend our students to watch the recording of a previous session called  “How to Study Vocabulary” by Esra Çelik Soydan. They can find the recording at the bottom of our LMS page (ScOLa Extra-curricular Activities) under week 3.

Please encourage your students to watch this session.