Dear all,

Upon the decision by the Turkish Higher Education Council to deliver the rest of the spring semester courses in the hybrid mode, we wanted to share some resources focusing specifically onĀ  hybrid classroom.

Below you can find the list of the resources that you might want to have a look at.

We hope they will be of use.

Resources on Hybrid Classroom

Harvard University Hybrid Teaching Resources

3 Strategies for Creating Inclusive, Engaged Hybrid Classrooms

Making the Most of the Hybrid Classroom

Hybrid Lessons

Webinar recordings on Hybrid Classroom:

  • The Hybrid Classroom: ideas, experience and best practice

  • The Hybrid Classroom: How to Engage Students to Promote Individual and Collective Learning

  • Hybrid learning – tips & tricks (to move forward)

  • Quality Hybrid Language Teaching

  • Hybrid Learning Webinar


You can share other hybrid classroom resources that you’ve found useful in the comments.


*If you would like to have access to Eaquals resources and don’t have the username and password, you can write to to get the necessary information.