1. EAQUALS Webinar: Not only a language school….not just language teachers!

The webinar focuses on how  21st century competencies have been integrated  in a language school and what actions from teacher development to students enrolment are taken to this end.

If you are interested in joining this webinar, for members only*, on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, please follow the respective links below:

for further information:


for registration:


* If you need ScOLa member information, please contact TLDU.


2. ELT Together 2021: Pronunciation

In this webinar, it is argued that the primary goal for pronunciation teaching must be international intelligibility and pronunciation skills essential for communication.

The speaker also looks at the strengths of non-native speakers in the teaching of pronunciation and asks instructors to consider what their beliefs are about their own pronunciation skills and accent, and how this affects their teaching. The webinar is divided into three sessions focusing on primary, secondary and adult learners.

If you are interested in joining this free webinar on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, please follow the link below for further information:
