Dear all,

please find this week’s news and updates below.

1.Webinar for ScOLa Students by Saadet Şahin

Summer school is a great opportunity for the make –up exams or to start the new semester successfully after a very demanding semester. However; what are obstacles affecting our success in summer schools?

Together with the effects of the season, summer school can be very stressful for many students.

Stress & time management have enormous impact on the success in summer school.

In this webinar we will be touching on how to cope with stress and time management during summer school by sharing a real life summer school experience.

Title: Success at Summer School: Leave Mental Mistakes Behind

Date: 14.07.2020 – Tuesday

Time: 15:45-16:35

Zoom link:

Note: Could you please share the zoom link with your students so that the interested ones could attend?


2. Webinar for ScOLa Instructors by Saadet Tıkaç

Social Construction of Mobile Phones in the Classroom: An STS case study on the relationship between the use of mobile phones and English language development of ab-initio pilots 

This paper explores the social construction of mobile phones in an English class designed and delivered for first year pilot training students at a private university in İstanbul. Originally an irrelevant and a distracting item for the class, mobile phones get shaped into a core learning device as described in the case study. The process of social construction is detailed using the methodology of Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) theory as presented by Bijker (1997). Through description of historical development of mobile phones, and relevant social groups first; it is explained how transformation of mobile phone into a learning device is achieved in the mentioned classroom and how closure happens as the problems surrounding the artifact are removed. Along with the shaping of the technological item, a social shaping by the use of technology is also observed; which allowed a personalized learning, practice and feedback chance; thus improving the speaking skills of the students.

Date: 17.07.2020-Friday             

Time: 14.45

Zoom link: 

Meeting ID: 986 6406 5663

Password: 537553

3. July Birthdays