Dr. Tony Gurr will answer the questions that come from you!

Although our ‘Beş Çayı’ sessions are designed as more relaxed, intimate ‘informal chats’ driven by teacher-generated questions,  each of the four sessions is given a ‘theme’ would help us focus in on specific areas of support required by teachers.

These sessions will be driven by your questions. Please share your questions about each subject while registering.

The webinar series will start tomorrow (April 24)

Technology, Tools and Platforms

This first session is essentially designed to give you the opportunity to ask any questions you might have about the technology and how to clear up any problems you may be still facing and make any tools and platforms that you might be using. This is a huge area and we may not beagle to get through every single question – but Tony will make sure he shares a wide range of useful ‘listicles’ and video tutorials for everybody to follow up with.

Registration link