On the 28th of April, Sultan Zeydan and Nazlı Hazar attended an event organized by OUP Education called “Managing the Changes in the New Era“. The event was aimed at university managers around Istanbul and focused on the topic of leadership and management.

The day began with an opening speech by Erkan Akmeriç, setting the tone for the rest of the day. Following this, we had the privilege of listening to Sinem Atamsoy Koşar, who gave three informative sessions on leadership and management.


The first session was about the characteristics of leadership and management and their differences. We had the opportunity to reflect on our own leadership and management practices by referring to our greatest leaders and their qualities, different leadership styles, and how we use questioning techniques to help individuals discover their needs and goals. We also defined who a manager and a leader are by analyzing the tasks they do and the skills they have. It was highlighted that a leader is beyond a manager who can build trust and asks the right questions to help individuals evolve and grow instead of telling people what to do. 

In the second session, we focused on the topic of change management. The session proved to be highly beneficial since it enabled us to remember how we can assess the current situation using a SWOT analysis and overcome the resistance to change. We went over the questions that can be used in this tool and the eye-opening part was that the tool itself can help us find our own needs and goals. In other words, it is not only a tool for professional life but for personal growth and development. Overall, without being open to self-development, changing the way we perceive resistance, and knowing the steps to take for the change such as being timely, a good listener, and collaborating to find ways to show the need for change, it would be very difficult to influence and guide people for change. 

The third session on creating a supportive work environment and enhancing staff motivation refreshed our ideas on the core principles of high-performing teams, the importance of performance evaluation, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and creating opportunities for professional development. Throughout the event, we participated in a range of activities, including pair/group discussions, analyzing case studies, and reflecting on our professional development practices in our institutions. It was a valuable opportunity to evaluate our own practices, and we were pleased to find that our institution meets many principles in this context.