Dear All,

Please find the news and updates for this week below:

1. Common Time Professional Development Sessions

a. Last Week’s Session

Last week, the third session of ScOLa TLDU INSET was held. Having talked about the history of ScOLa lexical syllabus, teaching vocabulary at receptive and productive level, in this final session the focus was on training students on how to study vocabulary. 9 instructors who participated in the meeting had the chance to discuss what strategies students need to develop to learn new lexis and what tools teachers might employ to help them in the process.

With this third session, TLDU INSET on Vocabulary was finalized. 27 instructors attended the training sessions in total. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our colleagues for their participation and invaluable contribution to the discussions.

The recordings of the sessions are available in our Z-Drive under TLDU folder (Professional Development Activities >> 2021-2022 Academic Year >> Spring Semester >> ScOLa TLDU INSET – Vocabulary).

b. This Week’s Session

This week, ScOLa Faculty Reading Club will have its fifth meeting. In this meeting, the club will read and discuss about “self-justification” and an complimentary article discussing teacher stress and misbehavior towards students using Festinger’s (1957) Cognitive Dissonance Theory.

2. Student Development Sessions

a. Last Week’s Session

Last week, Nergis Uyan gave her session on “To be or Not to be Motivated” on Wednesday and 33 students attended the session. The session recording has been shared on ScOLa-Extra Curricular Activities LMS page for all prep students’ reference.

b. This Week’s Session

This week, our colleague, Ezgi Öner, is going to give a workshop on “Creativity in Speaking” on Wednesday, March 23, between 14:45-15:35. You can see the session poster and details below.

There is a participant limit for this workshop. The students who want to attend the session will need to register using the link on the poster before the session. The relevant Zoom meeting information will be shared with them after they complete the registration process.