Dear All,

Please find the news and updates for this week below:

1. Common Time Professional Development Sessions

Last week, the second session of ScOLa TLDU INSET was held with the participation of 16 instructors. The second session focused on how to teach vocabulary at productive level. The presentation detailed the essential steps of presenting and teaching vocabulary. The participants also had the chance to gain hands on practice in writing CCQs (concept-checking questions) and evaluated using a material teaching “other words”. The recordings of the sessions are available in our Z-Drive under TLDU folder (Professional Development Activities >> 2021-2022 Academic Year >> Spring Semester >> ScOLa TLDU INSET – Vocabulary).

This week, the training will be finalized with its third session where the focus will be on training students on how to study vocabulary. Instructors who could not attend the first two sittings of the training but are interested in joining the last one may send an email to Kezban by 15.03.2022 until 17:00.


2. Student Development Sessions

Last week, Babak Jahanaray gave his session on “How to Revise Vocabulary Effectively” on Wednesday and 38 students attended the session both from prep program and from undergrad level. The session recording has been shared on ScOLa-Extra Curricular Activities LMS page for all prep students’ reference.

This week, our director, Nergis Uyan, is going to give a session on “To be or Not to be Motivated” on Wednesday, March 16, between 14:45-15:35. You can see the session poster and details below.

Please encourage your students to attend this session.